Scott Langford
CEO, Housing Australia
Scott has had a 20 year career in housing development, management and investment spanning the private sector and community housing industry. He believes that affordable housing is the foundation for a healthy housing system with pathways to home ownership also crucial for social and economic well being.
Djaran Murray-Jackson
Chair of Workstream Strengthening Culture, Communities and Families, First Peoples’ Assembly of Victora
Djaran is the Reserved Seat Holder for Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal Clans Corporation on the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria. The Assembly is the democratically elected body of Traditional Owners who are currently negotiating the first Treaty in Australia with the Victorian Government.
Simon Newport
CEO, Homes Victoria
Appointed CEO of Homes Victoria in July 2023, Simon Newport leads the agency responsible for delivering new housing through the Big Housing Build and providing stewardship of Victoria’s social housing and homelessness system.
Professor Michelle Norris
Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin
Michelle Norris is Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Geary Institute for Public Policy at University College Dublin. Her teaching and research interests focus on housing policy and urban regeneration.
The Hon Clare O’Neil
Federal Minister for Housing
Clare grew up in Melbourne’s south-east. After she finished school, Clare studied Law at Monash University in Clayton. While she was at university, Clare was elected to the City of Greater Dandenong Council and a year later she became mayor of the City of Greater Dandenong.
Mathew Aitchison
CEO, Building 4.0 Collaborative Research Centre
Professor Mathew Aitchison is Chief Executive Officer of Building 4.0 Collaborative Research Centre and a Professor of Architecture at Monash University.
Dr Philip Alviano
Senior Advisor, Future Built Environment, Master Builders Victoria
Philip has been the Sustainable Building Advisor at Master Builders Victoria for the past 20 years and has worked on building and construction related projects and research for the last 24 years.
Damein Bell
CEO, First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria
Damein Bell is the CEO of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, leading the staff operations that drive the Treaty process—advancing self-determination and justice for First Nations people.
Jennifer Beveridge
CEO, Tenants Victoria
Jennifer has been CEO of Tenants Victoria since June 2019, with over 25 years of experience in housing, health, youth, and community development. Driven by social justice values, she combines operational skills with public policy expertise and stakeholder engagement.
Josh Danahay
Climateworks Centre
Joshua works in Climateworks’ Cities team to decarbonise Australia’s buildings through the Renovation Pathways program. Joshua previously worked in Climateworks’ Sustainable Economies team, focused on renewable energy industrial precincts.
Tanya Davidge
Open House Melbourne
Tania Davidge is the Executive Director at Open House Melbourne. As an architect and advocate for good design, she is passionate about communicating the import role of good design to public audiences in ways that encourage people to think more deeply about the issues that shape our cities.
Patrick Fensham
Principal & Partner / National Lead Urban Policy & Governance, SGC Economics & Planning
Pat is a highly experienced urban planner and is Principal and Partner and National Leader for Urban Policy and Governance at SGS Economics and Planning. Pat is currently President of the Victorian Division of the Planning Institute of Australia.
David Fisher
CEO, Housing Choices Australia
David has a career in leadership, customer services and property development including urban renewal; public/private and joint venture partnerships; social and affordable housing; and mixed tenure developments in the UK and Australia including large scale urban renewal programs in Glasgow and Manchester.
Nicola Foxworthy
Founding Director, Imagine Housing
Nicola is co-founder of Middle Ground Housing, an incubator for a new model of cooperative housing that provides secure, sustainable cost-stabilised homes for Australians locked out of homeownership.
Stephen Glackin
Senior research fellow, Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University
Stephen is a senior research fellow in urban planning and urban geography at Swinburne University. His fields of expertise include strategic planning, planning law, community engagement and geo-spatial analysis.
Ian Goodhardt
Principal, Goodhardt Consulting
Ian Goodhardt is the Principal of Goodhardt Consulting, and has been delivering training to the community housing sector for over 15 years. He delivers the Mental Health First Aid course, other mental health courses, conflict resolution, Trauma Informed Practice and his most popular course on Hoarding and Squalor.
Mubeen Hamza
Community Place Manager, Haven Home Safe
Mubeen is the Community Place Manager at Haven Home Safe, where they are dedicated to building strong, connected communities. Passionate about human connection and co-design, Mubeen leads initiatives to activate social and affordable housing spaces, ensuring residents feel a sense of belonging.
David Hayward
Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and the Social Economy at RMIT University and chair, Victorian Government’s Social Housing Regulation Review
David Hayward is Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and the Social Economy at RMIT University. He is a former Dean of Business (2004-2009) and Dean of Social Science (2004-2016). He is a life member of the Victorian Council of Social Service.
Mark Heeney
Executive Director Housing Strategy, Mind Australia
Mark has a diverse skillset that has assisted him to lead high performing teams, drive innovation, influence significant business enhancements, and develop strong relationships across his career.
Fiona Herman
Beyond Housing
Stephen is a senior research fellow in urban planning and urban geography at Swinburne University. His fields of expertise include strategic planning, planning law, community engagement and geo-spatial analysis.
Radhika Ittiel
Business Leader Employment Services, Uniting Vic Tas
Radhika Ittiel is a dedicated advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, with extensive experience in the nonprofit, community services, and education sectors.
A/Prof Duncan Maxwell
Director, Building 4.0 CRC
A/Prof. Duncan Maxwell is an architect and the Director of the Future Building Initiative at Monash University, a research group dedicated to advancing industrialised building practices.
Cara McDougall
Cara MacDougall worked in community development, homelessness and community housing for the first 2 decades of her career before working for TAFE NSW Community Services for 17 years.
Lisa May
State Operations Manager, Community Housing Ltd
With over 20 years in the property sector and 10 years in community housing, Lisa May is the Victorian State Operations Manager at Community Housing Ltd (CHL).
Oscar McLennan
CEO, Ys Housing
Oscar McLennan is the CEO of Ys Housing, dedicated to the design and delivery of high-quality, affordable housing in Victoria.
Lee Monik
Chief Governance Officer, Community Housing Ltd
Lee Monik is an accomplished governance professional with extensive experience in corporate law, property development, project finance, financial services, and community housing.
Dr Trivess Moore
Associate Professor, School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University
Dr Trivess Moore is an Associate Professor in the School of Property, Construction and Project Management at RMIT University.
Bess Nolan Cook
Chief Executive Officer , Tourism Northeast
Bess is the CEO of Tourism North East, the regional tourism board for Victoria’s High Country. Bess has a background in marketing, communications and major events, and is passionate about using creativity to solve complex business problems.
Justin Peysack
Registrar, Victoria
Justin Peysack is the Housing Registrar of Victoria, appointed in 2022 after an extensive career spanning public and private sectors. He has been instrumental in modernizing regulatory approaches through data-driven methodologies and technological innovation.
Cazz Redding
Strategic Planner, Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia
A strategic planner with 25 years’ experience, Cazz was a sessional member of Planning Panels Victoria for 15 years, a planning lecturer at RMIT for 20 years, and was made a Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia in 2018.
Natalie Reiter
Deputy Secretary, Strategy and Precincts, Department of Transport and Planning
Natalie is a dynamic and highly motivated Executive with a strategic mindset. Natalie is Deputy Secretary of Strategy and Precincts at the Department of Transport and Planning.
Charlie Souma
Group General Manager Affordable Housing Services, Evolve Housing
Charlie is a highly accomplished executive leader with over 20 years of experience in managing residential property portfolios in the private and not-for- profit sector.
Jim Spillane
Principal Policy Officer, Affordable Housing | Homes Melbourne
Jim is the City of Melbourne’s Principal Policy Officer for Affordable Housing. He has experience in private consulting, and with state and local governments.
Mikaela Straface
Founder, WomenCan Australia
In addition to being admitted to practice in the High Court of Australia, Mikaela Stafrace is a Myer Innovation Fellow and an AMP Tomorrow Maker. She holds qualifications in Law, Commerce, Risk Management, an MBA and is a GAICD.
Liz Thomas
Managing Director, CEHL
Liz Thomas is an experienced Board Director and CEO, recognised and acknowledged as a dynamic leader with a trademark style that combines a strong sense of social justice and sound commercial acumen.
Meron Tierney
Project Lead, Beyond Housing
Meron is an accomplished architect and project manager with over 17 years of experience in both the private and public sectors. She brings a deep understanding of design and delivery processes to discussions on housing solutions.
Rob Tyson
Economist, Polis Partners
Rob is an economist with over 20 years of experience advising governments, industry groups and providers on housing policy and investments.
Kate Vander Voort
Founder & CEO, Social Mediology | The AI Success Lab | Hot of the AI Grapple Podcast
Kate is a leading expert in AI education and business integration, with 15+ years in digital strategy.
Jacob Wallace
Manager, Sustainable Design Team, Homes Victoria
Jacob has spent the past 9 years working for Homes Victoria and precursor agencies, focused on improving the performance of new and existing social housing stock to deliver positive social and environmental outcomes.
Dr Corrie Williams
Master Builders Victoria
Corrie’s current role is as Executive Director, Collaboration & Innovation. Her team works in the fields of policy and advocacy, future built environment, outreach and future skills.