Jason Perdriau,
Acting CEO CHIA Vic
Following a majority victory for a third-term Andrews Government, Labor have appointed a new Minister for Housing, The Hon. Colin Brooks, as part of a cabinet it promises will “do what matters” and deliver on a bold and positive plan for our state.
We look forward to working with the Government and new Minister and ensuring that tackling Victoria’s housing crisis is central to this progressive agenda.
During their last term, the Government showed that Victoria is capable of leading the nation on tackling homelessness and investing in social housing by launching the Big Housing Build and introducing the From Homelessness to a Home and Homes for Families programs. Unfortunately, we are yet to see the policy commitments needed to ensure that this vital work does not come to an end during this new term of government. We’re hopeful that the re-elected Government will continue this critical work by introducing a clear social housing funding pipeline and delivery plan and by investing in the Housing First programs needed to end rough sleeping in our state. We call on the Government to make these commitments central to their positive plan.
New analysis prepared for the national Community Housing Industry Association with our support highlights the desperate need for these initiatives. The report shows 109,800 Melbourne households and 36,300 in regional Victoria have housing needs that are not met and that, without urgent intervention, this unmet need will increase sharply over the years ahead. Over the months to come, we look forward to working with all our members and engaging with Government and our other stakeholders to develop a 10-year roadmap that identifies and sequences the policy solutions required to meet this growing need.