Mikaela Stafrace



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In addition to being admitted to practice in the High Court of Australia, Mikaela Stafrace is a Myer Innovation Fellow and an AMP Tomorrow Maker. She holds qualifications in Law, Commerce, Risk Management, an MBA and is a GAICD.
In 2019, Mikaela founded WomenCAN Australia – a charity that has assisted over 1000 women to transition from Centrelink into vocational training and/or a job. Together with generous support from government and philanthropy, Mikaela believes that just as every woman needs her own money, so too does WomenCAN Australia. She developed 2 social enterprises within the charity, both of which are registered Social Traders.
Prior to founding WomenCAN Australia, spent many years in corporate settings providing insurance, risk, governance and regulatory compliance advice. She has served as a company director on government boards & industry associations and was Chief Examiner for insurance law at Monash & Melbourne Universities.
Mikaela believes passionately in equality of opportunity for the participation of women in all spheres of endeavour. Full economic participation for women and their families will only be possible when barriers relating to affordable accommodation, affordable childcare and gender bias are removed – it will happen! As Mikaela often says “women can have it all, maybe just not all at once”.

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K - O, Speakers 2025