$30m social and affordable housing project by Unison Housing,


13.09.2021 by Unison Housing

Project status


Building 74 social and affordable housing units for vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorians

Major parties involved: 

  • Unison Housing
  • Victorian Government

In April 2021, Victorian Treasurer and Member for Werribee Tim Pallas and Minister for Housing Richard Wynne joined Unison to turn the first sod and celebrate the start of construction of a $30 million new social and affordable housing development in Werribee.

This project has delivered 74 new dwellings for vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorians, is particularly significant for the City of Wyndham given its growing housing affordability crisis and lack of social housing.

The building also houses onsite support services facilitating timely and personalised support to renters, to assist them with their tenancy and foster community inclusion.

Read more https://unison.org.au/about-us/development