CHIA Vic 2025 Conference


Smart growth: building the future of community housing

April 1 to 2, 2025


The CHIA Vic biennial conference highlights new ideas in social housing, tackles the challenges in policy and delivery, and showcases leading practice in housing management.

The two-day, sector-leading conference is an exciting opportunity to hear from industry experts and thought leaders in community housing. The event offers policy insights, networking opportunities, as well as practical training, ensuring you stay ahead of the issues, opportunities, latest research and trends in the sector.


What you’ll experience: 

  • Insights from international industry experts, policy experts, leading academics, local government, practitioners and more
  • Multiple leading practice sessions to build your workforce’s knowledge and skills
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • The chance to join the debate as we discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the sector over the next decade


Leading practice stream – a cost- and time-efficient way to upskill staff 

The 2025 conference brings back our signature leading practice stream. This stream is designed for frontline staff and offers a range of professional development to manage operational issues and improve their everyday practice.