Dr Alex Dordevic, Director Leading Practice
Commencing on 1 July 2024, the social services regulatory scheme gives effect to a comprehensive new regulatory framework for Victorian social services which aims to reduce and prevent harms to social services users.
While community housing is not within the scope of the new regulatory scheme, it will cover social services including child protection services, community-based child and family services, some disability services, family violence services, homelessness support services (including referral, support and accommodation services), out of home care services, sexual assault services and supported residential services.
The scheme will establish a new independent regulator, establish a registration scheme, and develop a set of social service standards.
Notwithstanding the exclusion of community housing, CHIA Vic is aware that some CHO’s that are part of a broader organisation that delivers social services and where staff may operate across programs may be affected by the Scheme. Public consultation on a Regulatory Impact Statement and draft regulations are expected in early 2023, and CHIA Vic will advise members of any unintended consequences of the proposed scheme.
If you have any questions about the scheme or concerns about how it might affect your CHO, please contact Alex Dordevic at CHIA Vic at alex.dordevic@chia.vic.com.au.