
Our Purpose: CHIA Vic advocates for and supports the community housing sector to grow and thrive as part of a housing system where all Victorians have the dignity of an appropriate, secure and affordable home.

Find out about our work and key information on our activities, people and priorities.

Community Housing
Property Developers
Local Government

Our Strategic Plan

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Community Housing
Property Developers
Local Government

Our Annual Report


Our strategic plan

Our work is driven by our Strategic Plan 2022-2027, which outlines our priorities and aspirations.


Our people

Find out more about the members of our team and our board, who are committed to supporting the growth of not-for-profit community housing in Victoria.

Meet our people

Priorities for us

Policy and reform leadership

To work with members, partners and networks to create strong and unified policy for the community housing sector, and to partner with Government in solving the housing supply challenges.

Strengthen the role of the sector

To increase the strength and capacity of the community housing sector to most effectively carry out its role in a larger, more inclusive, housing system.

Awareness raising

To best communicate why safe and affordable housing for every Victorian benefits the whole community.

A robust peak organisation

To ensure that the community housing sector’s peak body is skilled, resourced, and supported.

Our latest annual reports

2022-23 report

2021-22 report

2020-21 report

2019-20 report

2018-19 report

2017-18 report

2016-17 report