This webpage provides context for growth plans by the sector to the wider development sector.
Industry transition plan
CHIA Vic consulted widely with members and other key industry stakeholders to develop an Industry Transition Plan to set the community housing sector up for success in a growth environment.
Although the Plan was initially intended to cover the period 2018-2022, the priorities and actions it identified continue to be relevant, and guide a lot of the work of CHIA Vic and the sector today.
Developing a vision for the community housing sector
The Department of Health and Human Services funded the project as part of a broader initiative, led by the Victorian Council of Social Service, to develop a community services industry plan for the next decade. The plan identifies the plethora of reforms facing our industry as affordable and social housing increasingly becomes the focus of policymakers at a national and state level, including as a key housing supply delivery vehicle in the State Government’s Homes for Victorians strategy. This continues to be the case with the launch of the Big Housing Build, which intends for most of the social housing growth to be either owned or managed by community housing organisations.
Drawing on consultations with the sector and key stakeholders, the plan provides information about the current status of the industry and how well key players believe we are prepared for future growth.
Areas of focus
The Industry Transition Plan identifies five key pillars, and associated actions, that will unlock the potential of the community housing industry and guide the broader affordable housing industry though a period of intense growth.
The five pillars are:
Growing a sustainable sector
This requires a stable policy environment, new models of finance, professional governance and robust regulation.
Meeting the housing needs of the growing Aboriginal Victorian community
This requires an Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework, consistent with the principles of self-determination for Aboriginal people.
Enhancing our role as a social landlord
This requires community housing to have the capability to define and measure outcomes, sustain successful tenancies, better coordinate housing and support, and provide meaningful tenant engagement.
Building community awareness and support
This requires the community housing sector to develop the community housing brand, and benchmark and continuously improve performance in delivery of affordable housing and services.
Workforce of the future
This requires the community housing sector to better understand the state and needs of the community housing workforce and build the capability of the community housing workforce.