CHIA Vic has made its submission to the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into the rental and housing affordability crisis in Victoria. We made five recommendations to the Government, which focus on developing and implementing a long-term strategy for social housing growth, including a target of 6,000 new properties a year over ten years, and targets for growing Aboriginal community controlled housing.
To reach these targets and deliver on a long-term growth strategy, we have reiterated our pre-election and pre-Budget calls for boosting the Social Housing Growth Fund with an additional $6 billion, turning it into a Social Housing Investment Fund that would build 20,000 homes over the next ten years. We have also recommended the Government introduce a mandatory inclusionary zoning scheme to use the growth of the private residential sector to contribute to the growth of social and affordable housing, as well as recommending a review and overhaul of the housing support services system.
To read our submission and its recommendations in full please follow the link below:
Submission-on-Victorian-Rental-Crisis-2023.pdf (