Employment Pathways

Promoting economic inclusion and strong communities

This webpage provides resources and information to assist community housing organisations to create employment pathways and maximise the opportunities for social and economic inclusion afforded by stable housing

Employment pathways and programs

CHIA Victoria is supporting community housing organisations to improve their understanding of employment services, programs, and the different ways that they can assist renters to gain meaningful employment. Based on engagement with members, resources include best-practice information and profile different case studies that show how CHOs already facilitate employment outcomes. There are many ways organisations can assist renters to gain employment, including:

  • Partnering with or referring to existing services and/or providers to facilitate employment outcomes
  • Assisting renters to become more work ready by providing employment-related supports ‘in house’
  • Providing direct job opportunities, including as part of routine, business-as-usual housing operations
  • Creating new opportunities via organisational expenditure, supply chain diversity, and/or links with businesses seeking workers.

CHIA Vic is committed to supporting CHOs to deliver social impacts, including through stronger service-provider networks and sharing of best practice. If there is any specific support needed or if you are interested in discussing your activities with CHIA Vic, we encourage you to get in touch with James Finnis, Policy Officer Social Impacts, via james.finnis@chiavic.com.au or our central mailbox admin@chiavic.com.au

Program information and additional resources

With so many employment services, it may be a challenge to determine which programs are appropriate. As a starting point, the following services are available for community housing renters and organisations:


The Reconnect program assists participants aged 17–64 into further study or work, supporting them to overcome the barriers preventing them from engaging in education, training and employment. The program is intended to improve a person’s chance of breaking the cycle of disadvantage by providing wrap-around supports and interventions that aim at addressing non-vocational barriers that impact on their ability to reach their participation potential. Eligibility criteria includes those impacted by out of home care, youth justice, asylum seekers, and people long term disengaged from education and employment. More information on supports available, eligibility groups and areas of delivery is available on the Victorian Government website.

Social Housing Employment Program (SHEP)

SHEP supports social housing residents and other priority jobseekers find sustainable jobs. Jobseekers can access training, skills development and wraparound supports to assist them become work-ready or match with available jobs. The program includes part-time and full-time work, if roles 12 months and at least 18 hours per week. SHEP is available in the northern metropolitan region of Melbourne and in the Gippsland region of regional Victoria. Uniting Vic/Tas and Qualify are leading service delivery. Jobs are predominantly entry-level roles within the social housing sector, including in cleaning, facilities, and asset maintenance, gardening and grounds maintenance, administration, and security. Community housing organisations can either employ people through the program or refer their renters. Supports are available for participating employers


CHIA Vic has summarised program information for these and other employment services available in Victoria in the below resource. This information will assist CHOs to orient themselves in the employment services system and identify which programs are available and appropriate to work with. CHIA Vic can also help members connect with programs and providers on a case-by-case basis.

Service changes from June 2023

The 2023–24 Victorian Budget made several decisions, including regarding state employment services. Jobs Victoria, in particular, was significantly impacted with most Victorian employment services being scaled back or ceasing from 1 July 2023. However, not all services are affected with Reconnect, Skills and Jobs Centres, and Work and Learning Centres continuing. Information about which services are affected is included in an updated version of the employment services assessment tool. If you require additional information, please feel free to reach out directly to CHIA Victoria.


Employment Resources

PDF — 182 KB