Affordable Housing Planning Agreements – Introduction
Event Location:
Melbourne Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 – orange room
This half day introductory session is designed to provide a foundation and build participant understanding of the framework to structure Affordable Housing agreements as part of planning scheme amendment and permit processes.
What you’ll learn
- The legislative and policy framework
- Key considerations in structuring an Affordable Housing planning contribution
- Residential development and Affordable Housing feasibility key concepts and their relationship to planning contributions.
- Variables that inform the structure of a negotiated outcome, including the percentage and form of a contribution, market values, the term of use, and discounts.
- Examples of negotiated agreement structures.
Who is the course for?
People with no or minimal knowledge and/or experience with Affordable Housing planning agreements who are seeking to enhance their general understanding of the topic, including:
- Local Government staff
- Community housing sector staff
- Planning consultants
- Property development managers
- Registration Summary:
- Location: In-person, Melbourne CBD, exact location TBC
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.