The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, reminds members of the RentAssist bond loan scheme.
The scheme provides interest-free loans to eligible low-income people to help them enter the private rental market or long-term community housing.
Renters can apply online through the MyGov portal or a paper application through a local departmental office. Support providers can access the online bond loan form through eBusiness, complete it and lodge applications on behalf of their clients.
To further improve the accessibility, the scheme’s eligibility was updated last year to remove outstanding charges with the department as a barrier to getting another loan. The obligation to repay outstanding amounts remains, except in the case of a bond loan issued before 1 July 2001 or if the loan is outstanding due to circumstances beyond the renter’s control, such as family violence or a medical condition.
Further information on the RentAssist bond loan scheme can be found at
Information on access to online applications for support providers can be found on the Funded Agency Channel at