Make Room,
Melbourne CBD


28.09.2022 by Unison

Project status

Coming Soon

Make Room – More than just housing

Transforming an existing Council-owned asset into a six-storey apartment complex with up to 50 studio apartments and on-site support services.

Major parties involved

  • City of Melbourne
  • cohealth
  • Victorian State Government
  • Unison Housing

Opportunities available

  • Support Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation to reach the $20 million target

The Make Room project is a unique partnership between the City of Melbourne, Unison, cohealth, the Victorian Government and key philanthropic organisations to address the needs of people experiencing primary homelessness (rough sleeping) in the City of Melbourne.

Underscored by the City of Melbourne’s commitment to ending homelessness, the vision of Make Room is to help address the critical needs of people sleeping rough or experiencing homelessness by providing up to 12 months of short-term accommodation, with wraparound support, to manage their health and other requirements.

By receiving targeted, customised support, residents of Make Room can connect with the services they need and work towards secure long-term housing. Providing safe and supported accommodation to people sleeping rough in Melbourne means more than just giving a roof over one’s head; it is a stepping stone to a new life.

Major works will commence on this project shortly. In the meantime, fundraising activities continue with the support of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation to reach the $20 million target.