COVID-19 resources

This page contains information and resources to help community housing organisations manage potential outbreaks of COVID-19.

Community Housing

COVID-safe plan for organisations

May 2021

Keeping tenants safe during COVID-19

CHIA Vic is supporting the vital work of community housing organisations as we navigate our way out of the COVID-19 crisis.

CHIA Vic is working with the state government, health authorities, and our members to provide the resources and assistance needed for the community housing sector to adapt and continue to operate safely should a COVID-19 outbreak occur..

Additional training has been created and all training is now being delivered online.

If you require additional support or resourcesor if you have information you wish to share with the wider sector, please let us know.

The CHIA Vic office has reopened, although staff continue to work remotely for part of the time. Staff can be contacted directly on their mobiles, via email or via messages left on the office phone on 9654 6077.  Members contacting CHIA Vic in relation to Coronavirus issues should contact Jason on  Further contact details are available on the staff page.

Recent resources

Community services all sectors roadmap to reopening 

DHHS COVID-19 Poster resources

DOH COVID-19 campaign resources videos, radio and posters

DOH COVID-19 Resources for the general public

DOHCOVID-19 Easy read resources

DOH Covidsafe APP campaign resources

Personal protective equipment (PPE) for community service providers

The Community Activation and Social Isolation Initiative helps people to build social connections and local support networks during the pandemic, and includes the coronavirus hotline (1800 675 398), which can provide emotional support

Free online training

CHIA Vic has checked the quality of content of the free courses below:

COVID-19 Safety at work (Sentrient): 15 min course includes prevention and identification of COVID-19. (Click for SCORM version)

COVID-19 Infection control training (DOH):  covers fundamentals of COVID-19 infection prevention and control

Infection Control training (DET) Victorian Skills Gateway: 30-hour accredited courses on administering and implementing infection control policies in the workplace

PPE and COVID safe for community workers: 25-minute courses including information on P2/N95 respirators for community care workers

Human resources

Information on Coronavirus and workplace laws from FairWork Australia

Information on Coronavirus risk management from Safe Work Australia

Information on Coronavirus related privacy issues from the Information Commissioner

Guidance on employment matters from DHHS

Employer duties FAQ from Justice Connect

Business resources

ACNC Charity operations and COVID-19

Fairwork – Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws

Guide to developing a COVID-19 business continuity plan from DSC

Managing the workforce in the face of the outbreak

Information on financial assistance for businesses from Business Australia

Information from Moores on the JobKeeper scheme

Physical health resources

Federal health advice

State health advice

Covid 19 information translated into various languages

Information on PPE from WHO

Protect yourself and your family- ANMF Don’t Bring it Home Poster

Mental health resources

BeyondBlue resources and advice to assist people maintain good mental health throughout the crisis

DHHS resources and advice to assist people maintain good mental health throughout the crisis