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The Voice to Parliament



On October 14, Australians will have the incredible opportunity to vote YES! This historic moment aims to build constructive dialogue between Aboriginal representatives and decision makers, and address challenges in health, education, jobs and housing facing Aboriginal communities. Our organisation is fully behind The Voice and will be casting our YES vote next Saturday!


Around 17% of Aboriginal Victorians access specialist homelessness services, a startling figure that is 10x the rate of other Victorians. This is one of the key reasons CHIA Vic believes a Voice to Parliament is critical to closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.


A Voice will empower First Nations people to provide expert advice to government on the issues that affect them – like housing, health, education and much more. Indigenous advocates will be able to draw on their communities’ lived experiences to directly advise on the policy solutions that will help overcome intergenerational disadvantage. 


CHIA Vic strongly supports the Voice to Parliament – you can read our statement here.

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CHIA Vic News