Workforce Strategy

Workforce Development Update



Since CHIA Vic released the Victorian Community Housing Workforce Strategy 2023 – 2025 in April, we’ve been working on a range of actions to address the key workforce challenges facing our sector. 

An early focus is to deliver more sector-specific training which aligns with the key capabilities our workforce requires. We have just engaged Anna Donne, who delivered training on information sharing schemes earlier this year, to deliver refreshed training on family violence, MARAM (the Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management framework for family violence) and information sharing schemes. 

We are also planning a new and comprehensive induction program for tenancy staff who are new to their roles and our sector. Look out for further announcements in coming weeks about this significant foundational training initiative. 

We are grateful to members of our Workforce Reference Group who provide us with advice on these and other initiatives to support the community housing workforce. If your organisation would like to be part of the Reference Group we’d love to hear from you  – please contact 

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CHIA Vic News