Working Together

The community housing, development and local government sectors are working together to make affordable housing a reality.

What does each sector provide?
What does each sector ask for?
What are the nuances in the relationships?
Community Housing

Community housing organisations (CHOs) manage and maintain affordable long-term rental housing.  Some will act as developers in their own right, however many will rely on private developers to co-produce new developments, or to purchase completed units to manage as social housing.

What is provided to Property Developers?

Expertise on planning and design of developments for community housing, managed housing services and access to government funding for projects.

Property Developers

Private sector developers are experts at sourcing land, financing projects and building new properties.

What is provided to Local Government?

Developers design and build new housing within a local government area to meet local demand.

Local Government

In the context of delivering new/more affordable housing, local government plays a key role in approving and overseeing the development of the built form in their local area.

What is provided to the Community Housing Sector?

Partnership opportunities and ongoing services for residents in the final development.

Community Housing

Community housing organisations (CHOs) manage and maintain affordable long-term rental housing.  Some will act as developers in their own right, however many will rely on private developers to co-produce new developments, or to purchase completed units to manage as social housing.

What do CHOs ask of Property Developers?

Quality development projects suitable for community housing tenants and services, consultation during the design process, and understanding of the funding constraints of CHOs.

Property Developers

Private sector developers are experts at sourcing land, financing projects and building new properties.

What do Property Developers ask of Local Government?

Timely advice and input to project planning, and the provision of services to residents in completed projects.

Local Government

In the context of delivering new/more affordable housing, local government plays a key role in approving and overseeing the development of the built form in their local area.

What does Local Government ask of CHOs?

Consultation on social housing developments, and proactive management of affordable housing properties.

Community Housing

Community housing organisations (CHOs) manage and maintain affordable long-term rental housing.  Some will act as developers in their own right, however many will rely on private developers to co-produce new developments, or to purchase completed units to manage as social housing.

What is the nuance with Property Developers?

CHOs providers and Private Developers are motivated differently (service provision vs profitability) but agree that affordable housing is needed and work together to achieve this.

Property Developers

Private sector developers are experts at sourcing land, financing projects and building new properties.

What is the nuance with Local Government?

Developers can assume a large share of project risk up front (funding, opportunity cost) while local government must ensure the development is fit for purpose and win over local constituents.

Local Government

In the context of delivering new/more affordable housing, local government plays a key role in approving and overseeing the development of the built form in their local area.

What is the nuance with CHOs?

Local councils want to affordable housing to remain in their municipality in perpetuity, while CHOs need to be confident that they can adapt the housing to meet changing needs over time. Councils can rely on the State government’s regulation of community housing to provide ongoing oversight of affordable housing properties.

Resources: Community Housing


Affordable Housing Agreements DIGITAL

PDF — 6 MB

Affordable housing strategy

PDF — 5 MB