Viv's Place,


29.09.2022 by Launch Housing

Project status


Viv's Place, Australian-first housing for women and children, officially open

Launch Housing, in partnership with Uniting Vic.Tas, generous donors and the Victorian Government, has welcomed its first families to their new home, Viv’s Place, an Australian-first apartment building tailored to women and children escaping family and domestic violence and homelessness.

Major parties involved

  • Uniting Vic.Tas
  • Victorian Government
  • Significant number of philanthropic donors

Opportunities available

Launch Housing Viv's Place Dandenong

Launch Housing Viv’s Place Dandenong


Viv’s Place is Australian-first permanent housing designed specifically for women and children escaping family and domestic violence and homelessness. Family and domestic violence is the single biggest driver of homelessness in Australia.


Launch Housing Viv's Place Dandenong

Launch Housing Viv’s Place Dandenong


Viv’s Place helps solve this problem by providing safe, purpose built and beautifully designed housing for families, along with on-site 24-7 support services. From the first day families move in, they have a safe and permanent home to recover and rebuild, access to the support services they need and the opportunity to participate in the local community.


Launch Housing Viv's Place Dandenong

Launch Housing Viv’s Place Dandenong


For more info about Viv’s Place, contact the Launch Housing Collingwood office on (03) 9288 9600 or 1800 825 955 or visit their website