
Vision & Practice: Leading the Way

CHIA Vic sincerely thanks all the speakers and presenters who contributed to the conference.

Community Housing
Property Developers
Local Government

Find out more about our speakers below.

Jarrod Allen

Jarrod Allen

Partnership Development Officer, CHIA Vic

Jarrod’s role at CHIA Vic is to facilitate partnerships with aboriginal community controlled organisations, mainstream community housing providers and government to help deliver the Homes for Aboriginal Victorians Round of the Social Housing Growth Fund. He previously worked as a strategic communications advisor to the United Nations Ebola Emergency Response Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Jarrod has a keen interest in social justice and ensuring that the sector is able to respond to the challenges presented by climate change.
Tanya Atkinson1

Tanya Atkinson

Research, Evaluation and Policy Manager, Wintringham

Tanya has a Masters in Occupational Therapy Practice, a background in psychology, and has worked with older people experiencing homelessness for over 16 years. In a range of roles across both Victoria and Tasmania, Tanya has provided and overseen direct care services to older people experiencing homelessness. For Wintringham, Tanya has developed new homelessness, disability and aged care services in both regional and metropolitan locations, and managed evaluations and change management to support ongoing quality improvement across the organisation.
Emma Baker

Prof Emma Baker

Housing Research Professor, Adelaide University & Deputy Director, NHMRC Centre

Emma’s work examines the health and human impacts of housing and location in urban and regional environments, producing academic, as well as policy-relevant research. Driving this work is a conceptual focus on housing and location as a social determinant of health and an interest in analyses that utilise longitudinal, spatial and administrative big data.Recent academic and policy publications include commissioned policy background papers for the planning and housing strategies of South Australia, the construction of the third in a series of publicly accessible national housing conditions datasets, an analysis of the effects of cold housing on individual health, and papers analysing the influence of multiple housing problems on health and wellbeing.
Jennifer Beveridge

Jennifer Beveridge

CEO, Tenants Victoria

A collaborative not-for-profit leader, Jennifer’s experience spanning management and service delivery roles over 25 years has been centred on the needs and aspirations of people in the community receiving those services. Before she joined Tenants Victoria, Jennifer was CEO at Eating Disorders Victoria. BA.
Luke Bosher1

Luke Bo'sher

Executive Director, Housing Policy at Homes Victoria

Luke leads Homes Victoria’s teams responsible for development of social and affordable housing policy and reform. This includes Aboriginal Housing policy, local government engagement, mental health and affordable housing dwellings in the Big Housing Build. Luke’s disability sector experiences include three years working in residential disability services, including government and non-government run supported accommodation.
Lisa Briggs

Lisa Briggs

Director, Strategy and Performance, Aboriginal Housing Victoria

Lisa Briggs is a Gunditjmara women from the western district of Victoria, who has over 40 years’ experience in public policy working in Aboriginal Affairs within the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sector at a national, state, regional and local level. Lisa is current the Director of Strategy and Performance at Aboriginal Housing Victoria with a dual role of operational compliance as a Housing Provider and the lead Secretariat for the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum made up of 38 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Traditional Owner Groups and Aboriginal Trusts who oversee Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort: Every Aboriginal Person Has A Home – The Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework (VAHHF). Lisa has recently been appointed Co-Chair of the Closing the Gap Partnership Forum in Victoria and the national CTG Housing Policy Working Group.
Colin Brooks

Hon. Colin Brooks

Minister for Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs

The Hon Colin Brooks was appointed the Minister for Housing and Multicultural Affairs in December 2022. Colin was first elected to the Victorian parliament in 2006 and represents the electorate of Bundoora in Melbourne’s north-eastern suburbs. Since then, Colin has held the roles of Minister for Child Protection and Family Services, Disability, Ageing and Carers and was also Speaker of the Victorian Parliament for five years.
Fiona Clark1

White Space

Fiona Clark

Program Development & Relationship Manager, CHL

Fiona Clark is the Program Development Manager at CHVL. Extensive experience in working in the Scottish Housing Sector. Since arriving in Australia, Fiona has 25 years’ experience working in the Community Housing Sector in Tenancy and Property Management roles, reporting and compliance, Data and performance analysis, and tenancy software development.
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Hon Julie Collins MP

Minister for Housing, Homelessness and Small Business

Julie was elected as the first female representative for Franklin in 2007. Julie entered politics because she believes quality education, decent health services and fairness in the workplace should be available to everyone. Throughout her career in politics, Julie has worked tirelessly to help improve the lives of others. Julie has held numerous portfolios in both Government and Opposition. She is currently the Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness and Minister for Small Business.
Mike Collins

Mike Collins

Acting Unit Manager Strategy and Research, Merri-bek City Council

Mike Collins has worked in planning, social policy and research at Merri-bek (formerly Moreland) City Council since 2014, including stewarding its broad social and affordable housing agenda. After an earlier career in media production and journalism, Mike spent 8 years in regulatory policy and investigations for Commonwealth and national agencies. He has worked closely with CHIA Vic and the Municipal Association of Victoria to build the capacity of local government and the community housing sectors to facilitate affordable housing delivery.
Alex T

Alex Dordevic

Director, Leading Practice, CHIA Vic

Alex is the organiser of the CHIA Vic 2023 Conference and an experienced public policy leader and housing expert who has a passion to do things differently in social and affordable housing. He has extensive experience in state and national housing reform, having worked to reform housing markets for over 15 years through Housing Ministers Councils and at Homes Victoria. He has also led housing reform in New Zealand and worked extensively with the European Union on comparative housing policy across the 28 member EU states as well as 8 cities across the Russian Federation. He is particularly passionate about improving social and economic outcomes for people living in housing and transforming the private rental market into a long-term option for Australians.
Ian Goodhardt

Ian Goodhardt

Principal, Goodhardt Consulting

Ian Goodhardt is the Principal of Goodhardt Consulting, an organisation that provides training and advice concerning the mental health of staff and clients. He has worked with CHIA and the housing sector for over fifteen years delivering the Mental Health First Aid course, his very popular Hoarding and Squalor course, Trauma Informed Tenancy Practice, Managing Stress and many others. He is a trainer of new instructors of the Mental Health First Aid course travelling all over Australia to run these five-day courses. Feedback from his courses often reference his warmth, humour and high levels of engagement.
Greer Evans

Greer Evans

Manager Regulation, Housing Registrar

Greer works for the Housing Registrar as one of the Regulation Managers and is passionate about social impact and tenant outcomes. Greer is a Chartered Secretary, assurance, and compliance professional with over 20 years senior management experience, including 15 years in the Victorian Government and regulation, and 7 years in the not-for-profit performing arts sector. Greer is a member of the Governance Institute of Australia and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, a Professional Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia.

James Finnis

James Finnis

Policy Officer, Social Outcomes, CHIA Vic

James supports community housing organisations to maximise their social impacts, deliver social procurement commitments as part of the Big Housing Build, and improve tenants’ employment outcomes. He has previously worked in both government and the community sector, including designing and implementing state employment services and as a social researcher.
Carrie Hamilton

Carrie Hamilton

Consultant, Housing Action Network

Carrie Hamilton has over 25 years’ experience in affordable housing finance in the US and Australia. She contributed to the establishment of the NHFIC bond aggregator in 2018 and has served on Ministerial Advisory Committees on Housing at the State and Commonwealth levels. Carrie holds a Master of City Planning and previously applied her expertise at Macquarie in public-private partnerships. She continues to conduct CHP/investment industry program co-design projects and consults on the intersection of affordable housing and the Circular Economy.
Taegan Hannah

Taegan Hannah

Engagement and Communications Manager, CEHL

Taegen Hannah is widely recognised as a thought leader in the community engagement space, with extensive experience developing high-impact engagement tools, policies, and strategies for engaging ‘hard to reach groups’ and fostering trust with key stakeholders. As the Manager – Engagement & Communications at CEHL, Taegen is now driving a dynamic and targeted engagement program to strengthen renter voice. She is passionate about the co-op housing model delivered by CEHL. More recently, Taegen has collaborated with CEHL co-op members to co-design new and exciting engagement approaches.
Roger Hastrich

Roger Hastrich

Founding Director, Regional Housing Victoria

Roger has been delivering consulting services across Victoria since 2007, with housing as a recurring theme. Along with Steve Dunn, Roger is a founding Director of Regional Housing Victoria – a member based peak body representing the interests of regional Councils, housing providers and communities.
Mark Heeney

Mark Heeney

Executive Director Housing Strategy, Mind Australia

Mark has a diverse skillset that has assisted him to lead high performing teams, drive innovation, influence significant business enhancements, and has developed strong relationships across his career. Mark has extensive operational and leadership experience in the mental health, disability and homelessness sectors across metro, regional Australia and the United Kingdom and in the growth of Mind’s wholly owned subsidiary, The Haven Foundation – one of Australia’s leading specialist mental health community housing providers.
Polly Hemming

Polly Hemming

Acting Director, Climate and Energy Programs, Australia Institute

Polly has extensive experience working in policy, marketing and engagement roles in both not-for-profit and public sectors. Her current work focuses on carbon and environmental markets, climate integrity and greenwashing. Having previously led the development of a government eco-label recognising voluntary climate action by the private sector, she maintains a strong interest in non-state climate ambition and the policies and regulation that interact with this.
Dr Heather Holst

Dr Heather Holst

Commissioner for Residential Tenancies

The Victorian Government appointed Dr Heather Holst to the new role of Commissioner for Residential Tenancies in September 2018. This is the first such position in Australia and is charged with bringing the voices of renters into the Victorian policy-making process. With over 30 years of experience working in the housing, renting and homelessness sectors, Dr Holst is a strong champion for the rights of Victorian renters and residents of rooming houses, caravan parks and residential parks.
Alice Hooper

Alicia Hooper

Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Surf Coast Shire Council

Alicia holds Masters of Planning and Environment and Philosophy. Alicia has worked in the community and environment sectors and 15 years in local government, working across community development, health and social planning, housing and transport planning roles. Her current role with the Surf Coast Shire Council is focused on local and partnership solutions to the broadening and deepening housing affordability crisis.
Christian Jones

Christian Jones

Manager, Nous Group

Christian was the project manager for the recent partnership with CHIA Vic to co-design and develop the Victorian Community Housing Workforce Strategy and Implementation Plan. Christian is an experienced consultant with over 7 years’ experience across human services projects with a focus on the intersections between housing, mental health, disability and justice system services.
Emma King 02

Emma King


Emma has an extensive background in the public sector and in workforce and education issues, having worked as a Victorian policy adviser, a teacher, and in a range of industrial and training roles at the Victorian Independent Education Union and the Finance Sector Union. Emma represents VCOSS on a range of ministerial advisory groups and committees, serves on numerous boards including the Victorian Skills Authority, Portable Long Service Authority and is the Chair of Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre.
James King

James King

Chief Executive Officer, Unison Housing

James King is the Chief Executive Officer of Unison Housing – one of the largest community housing providers in Melbourne, Australia. With extensive experience in property development and construction for both the residential and commercial sectors, James is transforming Unison into the most sought-after purveyor of social and affordable housing in the state of Victoria.
Michael Lennon

Michael Lennon

Managing Director, Housing Choices Australia

In September 2022 Michael Lennon announced his decision to step down from his executive leadership role with Housing Choices Australia (HCA), one of Australia’s largest and most innovative not-for-profit community housing providers. Under his leadership, HCA grew from a merged organisation of three small housing providers in 2008 to be one of Australia’s leading and most respected housing associations.

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Anne Lewis

Owner and principal consultant of Anne Lewis and Associates

Anne is currently leading the project Renter Voices: understanding and incorporating the voices of renters in the planning and delivery of community housing services for CHIA Vic. Anne is a social policy leader with extensive experience and expertise in social housing and homelessness policy analysis and development, and the design and implementation of housing programs.
Matthew Linden

Matthew Linden

Deputy Chief Executive, Super Australia

Based in Canberra, Matt Linden leads Industry Super Australia’s strategic engagement with the Federal Government, parliamentarians, central agencies, and parliamentary press gallery. Matt progresses key policy issues from inception to legislative execution across all facets of retirement income policy including governance, taxation, advice, and investment.
Judy Line

Judy Line

CEO, Women's Housing Ltd

Judy Line has worked in the housing and homelessness sector since 1986 and has been CEO at Women’s Housing Ltd since 2005. Prior to her position with WHL, Judy worked in women’s refuges, a youth service and was the state project officer for the Victorian Public Tenant’s Association. Judy is a passionate housing advocate and works within a community development framework. Since joining WHL, the agency has grown from a small transitional housing manager to a housing association that now provides long term social housing and specialises in building new affordable housing for women and their children.
Abby Mellick Lopes

A/Prof. Abby Mellick Lopes

Course Director & Research Associate

Associate Professor Abby Mellick Lopes is Course Director of Postgraduate Design in the School of Design at the University of Technology, Sydney, and a Research Associate at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University. Abby is engaged in interdisciplinary research with industry, government, and community partners.
Maxine Lloyd 1

Maxine Loynd

Executive Director, Regional Policy and Strategy, DJSIR

As an Executive Director, Maxine leads analysis and policy advice to support regional economic growth. She was previously the General Manager of Regional Policy for the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, and served as the Australian delegate to the OECD’s Regional Development Policy Committee including a term as Vice Chair of the Bureau that provides strategic oversight for that OECD committee. She has also worked on Aboriginal economic development policy, spent many years as a government adviser on Australia-India relations, and led the International Engagement Unit in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet when Australia hosted the G20 in 2014.

Nick Lucchinelli

Director, Horton Advisory

Nick is a communication expert who specialises in media relations, crisis communication, and message development. Nick has consulted to dozens of Australian and international organisations, launching successful campaigns that have shifted the national conversation. Nick is passionate about ocean swimming, renewable energy and cooking.
Tracy Massam

Tracy Massam

Pou Herenga Whai Rawa - Asset Manager, Tāmaki Regeneration Company

Tracy is Pou Herenga Whai Rawa (Asset Manager) for Tāmaki Regeneration Company, an Auckland based organisation helping ensure the people of Tāmaki have an awesome place to live, work and raise a family. She has spent 7 years in risk, asset & facilities management for Auckland Council & 10 years with the Ministry of Education in senior adviser roles and is on the board of the New Zealand Chapter - Asset Management Council.
Lisa May

Lisa May

Leading Practice Coordinator & Training Facilitator, CHIA Vic

Lisa coordinates projects aimed at the improvement of community housing practice and facilitating tenancy management training including workshops on VCAT, Human Rights, and the Residential Tenancies Act and also runs the VCAT and RTA advice line providing tenancy guidance for CHIA Vic members. Lisa has 20 years’ experience in the property industry, including front line and coordination roles in the community housing sector, and has a great working knowledge of the challenges that front line staff face every day.
Holly Mullaney

Holly Mullaney

Training Manager, CHIA Vic

Over the past 17 years, Holly has been coordinating a wide range of training programs for CHIA Vic members. With a background in training and enterprise development, Holly is pivotal in sourcing and developing links with the private sector, the broader community and government. She is fluent in French, Vietnamese and Korean.
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Danni Nash

Director Property, Unison

For over 15 years, Danni has worked in a range of roles across not for profit, local and state government as well as private practice. She brings extensive experience in social housing combined with a passion to create opportunities for meaningful engagement to inform strategy and decision making. Danni’s career has centered on community infrastructure, particularly the development, asset management and program delivery of social housing programs, public infrastructure, and local community facilities.
Uncle Bill Nicholson 1

Uncle Bill Nicholson Jnr

Wurundjeri Elder

Uncle Bill is passionate about sharing his extensive cultural knowledge with the broader community. He is deeply committed to Wurundjeri Woi wurrung traditions and cultural practise and continuously advocates for the rights of contemporary Wurundjeri Woi wurrung people to access and practise culture on traditional Country. Uncle Bill is Wurundjeri Woi wurrung Corporations Principal adult cross-cultural educator for the corporate, not-for-profit and university sectors. A former Winston Churchill Fellowship recipient (2015), Uncle Bill’s fellowship explored cultural practice and maintenance amongst First Nation communities in urban environments. Uncle Bill was also amongst the Victorian delegates nominated to attend the First People’s Assembly which resulted in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Chia Staff — Steph

Stephanie Ng

Affordable Housing Business Development Officer, CHIA Vic

Stephanie works with our members, local councils and developers to develop resources and uncover partnership opportunities to deliver more affordable housing, and build an understanding of the community housing sector. Prior to joining CHIA Vic, Stephanie worked in the not-for-profit sector on projects in Tonga, Solomon Islands and Australia, and as an engineer in the private sector.
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Anders Nordstrand

CEO, Sveriges Allmännytta (Public Housing Sweden)

Anders is the CEO for Sveriges Allmännytta (Public Housing Sweden) which represents over 300 municipal and private housing companies delivering almost a million homes across Sweden. He previously worked as CEO for the Public Housing companies 'Mimer' in Västerås and 'Micasa', a property company that owns, manages and develops Stockholm's care properties. Before he joined the housing sector he worked in the tourism industry as CEO for 'Stockholm Visitors Board'.
Mark O'Brien

Mark O'Brien

Strategic Adviser, Commissioner for Residential Tenancies

Mark has worked in tenant advice and advocacy in both a paid and unpaid capacity since 1987 and was the Coordinator then CEO of the Tenants Union of Victoria for more than twenty years. His vision for housing in Australia is best summed up in the words of 1980’s housing activist Martha Rosler, “Housing has to be rethought as a valuable social resource rather than a series of opportunities for profit.”

Jason Perdriau

Acting CEO, CHIA Vic

Jason has fifteen years’ experience in the social housing sector which has included managing community and public housing programs and leading projects to support the growth and improvement of the social housing sector.
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Gemma Pinnell

Principal at Right Lane Consulting

Gemma has worked in senior positions in superannuation and the labour movement for over two decades, and now works with a variety of clients in working in housing including CHP’s and institutional investors. Gemma has delivered projects across strategy, policy and program evaluation, new service design and implementation, data and analytics, and transformation. She is focused on partnering with clients to tackle challenging problems and deliver solutions that can be executed to achieve impact. Gemma is passionate about solving the housing crisis in Australia.
Jess Pomeroy

Jess Pomeroy

Director, Policy and Advocacy, CHIA Vic

Jess has worked in housing policy and research for over 10 years, with stints at RMIT, AHURI and now CHIA Vic. Her work at CHIA Vic involves translating and contributing to policy development across the wide range of issues facing the community housing sector; imagining and then managing projects; and actively engaging with members and other key stakeholders.
Clare Richards

Clare Richards

Housing Solutions Broker, Mount Alexander Shire Council

Clare Richards’ career has spanned health and community services from grassroots to CEO roles, and she has worked at every level of government. She is now the Housing Solutions Broker at Mount Alexander Shire Council, tasked with facilitating solutions to the unmet housing needs of the rural and peri-regional Shire of 20,249 people.
Peter Richardson 1

Peter Richardson

Chief Financial Officer, Housing Choices Australia

Peter has 35 years’ experience as an accountant in the UK, Singapore and Australia ranging from private practice, education and research, general business management and the not-for profit sectors of social and affordable housing and aged care. Peter is responsible for all aspects of finance, treasury and Information Technology for the Housing Choices Australia group of companies – including long-term financial strategy and planning, treasury management, internal and external financial reporting, external auditing and the internal control environment, information technology and data.
Kosmos Samaras

Kosmos Samaras

Director – Strategy and Analytics, Red Bridge Group

Kos has over 25 years of experience in advertising and politics. Between 2005 to 2019, he served as Victorian Labor’s Deputy Campaign Director and is now the Director of Redbridge Group Australia, a social and community research company. He specialises in combining research, socio and political analysis to illustrate immerging trends within the community, be it the political rise of the Millennials and their impact on Australia’s democracy to the democraphic cliff facing small town Australia.
Jenny Samms

Jenny Samms

Consultant and Director Advisory Groups

Jenny Samms is currently a consultant and Director on several Boards and advisory groups. She was previously the CEO of Aboriginal Housing Victoria. During her time as CEO, she led the organisation to achieve Housing Association status, the only Aboriginal organisation in Australia to achieve this level of accreditation and successfully negotiated the historic transfer of ownership of the nearly 1,500 DHHS properties that AHV was managing. Following her time at AHV, Jenny was instrumental in driving the development of Victoria's Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework, Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort, and developing Aboriginal Cultural Safety Framework for the Community Housing Associations Limited Victoria and Council to Homeless Persons.
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Dr Andrea Sharam

Senior Lecturer, RMIT School of Property, Construction and Project Management

Andrea specialises in research on social and affordable housing, housing affordability, non-profit property, and apartment development. Prior to becoming an academic Andrea worked for the Community Housing Federation of Victoria and before that, WISHIN, a women’s homelessness service. Andrea has led an Australian and New Zealand academic and industry collaboration to develop a specialist Asset Management for Social Housing Manual.
Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Executive Director, Housing Growth and Commercial Development

Michael was appointed as the Executive Director, Housing Growth and Commercial Development in 2022, Michael oversees a branch that is focused on delivering high quality housing outcomes that improve communities by working with our partners to deliver a vibrant social and affordable housing sector.
Marcus Spiller

Marcus Spiller

Principal and Partner, SGS Economics & Planning Pty Ltd

Marcus is a Principal and Partner of SGS Economics & Planning Pty Ltd. Formally qualified in commerce and urban planning, he has practiced as a consultant for much of his career, as well as an academic, local government town planner, Ministerial Adviser and senior bureaucrat in State and Commonwealth Government agencies. He is widely published in regional economic development, housing policy, infrastructure funding and metropolitan governance and has been appointed to the interim National Housng Supply and Affordability Council.
Alex T

Alex Trudzik

Policy Officer, CHIA Vic

Alex works on policy development that promotes the growth and strengthening of the community housing sector. His role involves working closely with members, government, and other stakeholders to develop and then advocate for the positions that are important to the sector. Alex comes to CHIA Vic having worked as a policy adviser to the Minister for Housing. Outside of work Alex is a keen home cook and invariably has sport of some form going on the tv.

Ryan Van Den Nouwelantpng

Dr Ryan Van Den Nouwelant

Senior Lecturer, UNSW Sydney

Ryan is a Senior Lecturer in the city planning program at UNSW Sydney. His research focuses on the intersection of housing markets, planning regulations and infrastructure delivery, with particular focus on social equity outcomes. Ryan has previously worked as a Lecturer in urban management and planning at Western Sydney University, a Senior Research Officer within City Futures Research Centre at UNSW.
Paolo Vanegas

Paola Vanegas

A/Director of Systems Design, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry & Regions

With over ten years of experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating social public policies with a focus on labour market and education program, Paola has worked with the Victorian Government over the past six years in the developing active labour market policies in Victoria through Jobs Victoria. In her current position, Paola oversees the development of policies and programs that help match Victorians looking for work with meaningful employment opportunities.
Ashleigh Waldby

Ashleigh Waldby

Director, Nous Group

Ashleigh led the recent partnership with CHIA Vic to co-design and develop the Victorian Community Housing Workforce Strategy and Implementation Plan. Ashleigh is an Organisational Psychologist who brings over 14 years’ experience across a range of strategic review, organisational development and workforce projects. She currently co-leads Nous’ Workforce business offer as an expert in people strategies and solutions.
Jacob Wallace

Jacob Wallace

Manager Sustainable Design Team, Homes Victoria

Jacob has spent the past 9 years working for Homes Victoria and precursor agencies, focussed on improving the performance of new and existing social housing stock to deliver positive social and environmental outcomes. Jacob’s team advises on sustainability specification for the Big Housing Build, manages the Homes Victoria actions against the Health and Human Service Adaptation Action Plan, and provides policy and direction for the Energy Efficiency in Social Housing Program. Jacobs previous roles were in corporate sustainability consultancy in Australia and the UK, and environment policy in South Australian government.

Emma Williams

Emma Williams

Coordinator Community Development, HousingFirst Ltd

Emma is a community engagement specialist who is passionate about empowering and activating communities. With over a decade of experience working in community development, Emma has developed a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges facing diverse communities.
Richard Wynne

Richard Wynne

Previous Minister for Housing

Richard Wynne has pursued his career in community service with a passion for social justice, urban planning and housing. Starting his career as a social worker at the Flemington Community Health Centre where he worked in the public housing towers for seven years. Following 8 years working as a political advisor, Local Government consultant and a three year posting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia Brian Howe, Richard entered state politics where he was elected as the Member for Richmond in the Bracks Government in1999.
Robin Zakharov2

Robin Zakharov

Director, Workforce

Robin recently joined CHIA Vic as the Workforce Director. Robin is a highly experienced senior leader with deep expertise in housing policy, research, program management and implementation across government and non-government sectors. Robin has worked in the social and affordable housing sectors for most of her career, as well as in the disability services sector. Robin is keen to support the Community Housing industry in Victoria to develop and grow through supporting an effective workforce which delivers excellent services.