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CHIA Vic’s 10 year Community Housing Roadmap

Event details

Date: 07.03.2023
Time: 10.00 – 12.00

White Space

Member-only consultation on CHIA Vic’s 10 year Community Housing Roadmap

CHIA Vic is inviting members to take part in a sector-wide workshop to help guide and inform the development of our 10-year roadmap for the community housing sector, as announced in our Strategic Plan 2022-2027.

The Roadmap will be a key driver for our vision to deliver 30,000 new social housing homes over the next ten years, and will guide our activities and advocacy to support a growing and thriving community housing system. As such CHIA Vic will be co-designing this 10-year roadmap with the sector to define and lay out what steps need to be taken to achieve our 10-year objective.

We will be undertaking this work between March and August 2023, with the aim of finalising the roadmap in September 2023.

Please join us for the first session of this co-design process to provide feedback on a draft vision statement and work plan. We need YOUR input to ensure that the roadmap reflects a shared vision of the future for our sector, and that we have captured the critical issues required to achieve it.

The venue location will be determined depending on the number of attendees.