Human Rights Charter



Lisa May, Project Coordinator - Leading Practice

Lisa May, Project Coordinator – Leading Practice

The community housing sector has a strong commitment to ethical and client-focused decision making and to ensuring eviction is the avenue of last resort.  There is also recognition and commitment to uphold obligations held under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) (the Charter) when making decisions that affect the lives of renters including the requirements to consider and act compatibly with the human rights of renters.


On 24 October, we hosted a members’ seminar on the Victorian Human Rights Charter in which Moores CEO and Human Rights Lawyer, Tessa Van Duyn, provided her expert guidance on how the Charter applies and an analysis of key legal cases and how they relate to social housing practice.


At this seminar, we shared a suite of new tools and training for members which have been reviewed by Moores and developed with input from across our sector. These resources support the practical application of the Charter in social housing decision making by stepping through the human rights assessment process and providing template policies that align with obligations under the Charter. If support from members is needed in understanding or implementing these resources, please let us know. We can be contacted at


CHIA Vic also provides a half day Human Rights Workshop for operational staff which can be found on the training page of our website