
Join CHIA Vic and contribute to the creation of a strong community housing sector in Victoria and beyond.

This page outlines the benefits of membership with CHIA Victoria and how to sign up.

Community Housing
Property Developers
Local Government

We’re growing community housing


Be part of an organisation that advocates on behalf of the community housing industry in Victoria.

CHIA Vic’s membership comprises of a diverse range of businesses, from small rooming house providers to large organisations involved in developing new properties across multiple states, to organisations, individuals and sponsors who support CHIA Vic’s vision.

While their scale and interests may differ, they all share a commitment to supporting a strong state peak body that is dedicated to growing the capacity of the community housing sector, and increasing the supply of quality, affordable rental homes for disadvantaged Victorians.

Full membership is available to registered Housing Associations, Housing Providers and not-for-profit housing organisations.

Other organisations, individuals and sponsors who support CHIA Vic’s vision can apply for Supporter membership.


“Our membership of CHIA Vic provides amazing opportunities to access critical information about the sector and quality training services that ensure the sector is professional and is able to  advocate strongly through one voice for housing to those most vulnerable in our community.”


Andrew Cairns, CEO, Haven: Home, Safe

Events and training
Policy Development

Have input into government policy development,  be represented at public meetings, consultations, task forces and committees, and in discussions with relevant peaks such as the Victorian Council of Social Services, Council to Homeless Persons and Tenants Victoria.

Training & Development

Benefit from CHIA Vic’s extensive range of short courses, bespoke training programs and tailored professional development. Click here for details.


Enjoy networking and collaboration between community housing organisations that face similar opportunities and challenges. 

CHIA Vic hosts regular sector group meetings for the:

  • Co-operative Housing Sector Group 
  • Transitional Housing Management (THM) Sector Group 
  • Rooming House Sector Group 
  • Human Resources Networking Group 
  • Registered Housing Associations Group 

This is in addition to our: 

  • Quarterly members meeting 
  • Biennial conference
  • Regular events 

A National Network

Across Australia CHIA and affiliated organisations are growing community housing and providing member services to the sector.

Around Australia
Tools and support

Access tools and resources to support cost-effective business practices including:

  • our industry-tailored professional development 
  • discounts on legal services through our relationship with law firm Russell Kennedy 
  • employees of our member organisations, and their immediate family, can access free and confidential professional counselling services through our Employment Assistance Program (EAP)
VCAT & RTA Advice

Members experiencing tenancy issues that require expertise with the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) or the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) can receive support from CHIA Vic, including: 

  • training courses for both new and experienced housing workers, including how to prepare for a VCAT hearings and understanding the Act 
  • our VCAT/RTA Helpline, a members-only service to provide expert assistance to organisations on VCAT and RTA issues

Stay informed of community housing sector news, developments, events and job opportunities through our regular member communications, including:

  • monthly eBulletin
  • special communiction for vital news and events

Become a member

Contribute to the creation of building a strong community housing sector in Victoria with the vision of meeting the housing needs of disadvantaged Victorians.